While working at an electronics store, there was a gentleman who frequented the place. He had a very strange demeanor and his actions were as well. He would just walk, and stop and look around. Pick random things off the ground and put them in his pocket. I am known as a nice guy willing to listen to anyone. He clearly picked me out for that reason and he had given me his opinions on life and money. I wish I had a tape recorder for the conversation because it was one of the most interesting conversations I have ever had. He spent more time talking about the secrets of money and the secret meanings that money had. The subtle meanings built into the format of the currency and the subtle meanings it had in life. People in the store made fun of him and gave him a hard time for his behavior but I just talked with him and listened. He seemed to take to me quite well, and when the conversation was over he said thank you for it and began to walk away. After taking a step towards the door he stopped and pulled out a few dollars from his wallet and ripped them apart right there on the counter. He told me to keep them, give them to my kids, keep them as a lesson, or throw them away. I kept them along with my coin collection wondering what I would do with it, until last night.
Please pass me a tissue please. That story is so poignant! What a beautiful message here.