It would have been awesome to stick to the statement that landscape and wildlife photography took the passenger seat, but that turned out to be false. Possessing the skills to move past this, I was forced to continue to go to the parks, rivers, lakes etc. Instead of forcing the pictures, my dog became the entertainment. She is an extremely loyal dog willing to go to any lengths to follow me wherever I go. As the frustration mounted from forcing pictures that really were nothing more than really good snapshots, puppy was a good release. Pushing myself to into situations that would normally be impossible, the rivers started being crossed, and the trees started looking like ladders. As I crossed a river, she could not find one wide or fast enough. As I found a tree, she could not find one high enough. The deeper the snow got, the more she wagged her tail. It was pure entertainment. It took my eye off the surroundings for long enough. My camera was always ready to take a picture of something else, but she was the best subject I could find. She continued to amaze me with her audacity. One day I found downed tree leaning on another tree. It made for a good climb, but she followed me. It was not quite straight up, but just enough to shimmy up. After I made it up, she thought she could do it. SHE DID! With a low center of gravity and abnormally long body, she made it up without a problem. It was quite scary and after telling her to get down she did, but not until after some observing. That was too much. Officially ending her tree climbing at that moment, I have used quite a bit of caution when out with her. She has nabbed squirrels, rabbits, raccoons, opossums, moles, chipmunks and HATES cats. You have never seen an animal foam at the mouth until you see her on the fresh trail of a cat. Depending on how adventurous I would be, it determined whether or not she would stay home. Concerned for her safety, it would only be a matter of time if she continued this behavior. It was a good thing, because it took my focus off her and placed it back into the camera.
What a loyal girl! And to shimmy UP a tree! WOW!