After the interior decorating opportunities, it made me rethink some of the images of glass I had taken in the years prior. The direction of the track lighting inside the houses illuminated different features of the house in a pleasing aesthetic fashion. It led me to rethink several images of glass I had taken in the previous years. Instead of taking a picture of what you already have seen, take what you have seen and manipulate it into something else. I built a makeshift light box out of an old box from a vacuum cleaner. After cutting holes into the sides and top for different lighting and camera angles, the results started amazing me. Initially the quality of them were nothing extraordinary, but with some practice they turned into something straight out of the imagination. Wish I could talk about these some more but I cant. With a vocabulary too small to describe the glass, its better to quit early and avoid rambling.
won't settle - nope - you DO have the vocab and now have spoiled us and we want the read more!